Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday 9/27/11

1.  My husband is the best imitator alive.  You will never convince me otherwise. 

2.  My husband has the unique talent of being able to make up different words to any song, and have it make sense and be hilarious at the same time.  This and the above statement is why I love my husband (among others, of course).

3.  I don't know anybody that listens to (and genuinely enjoys) as many different genres of music as I do.  I can listen to just about anything and find real enjoyment out of it; with a few exceptions....but very few.

4.  I slept-in until 11:00 am this past Sunday.  You read that right.  11:00 am.  It was amazing!

5.  This past weekend was the most needed and relaxing weekend I've had in a long time.  See above.  : )

6.  This September weather we've been having is awesome.  Just awesome.  I love fall weather, but 80 degrees in September is just so nice.  I could get used to this.  Winter's going to be a harsh transition for me this year. 

7.  I think it's sad and wrong that I see my classmates more than I see my husband throughout the week.  I spend 15+ hours during the weekdays with my classmates.  I spend approximately 5 hours with my husband.  (Not counting the hours that we spend sleeping, of course.)  I don't really count time spent in REM as meaningful time spent together.  lol.  How sad is that?  Thank goodness for weekends!

8.  My children's book is proving to be harder than I thought it would be.  It's just an assignment for class, so it's not like I'm trying to get published or anything, but I want it to be nice. 

9.  Currently fighting the urge to go and get a shake from Maggie Moos.  Why oh why must they be so delicious?!  (Don't worry Dave; I'm not going to get one.)  :)   

10.  Believe it or not, most of the time I really do enjoy going to school.  My classes can be fun and engaging and I find it to be a positive experience (notice that I said most of the time).  I do however, wish that I could take them about two hours later in the day.  What is it with these worldly demands of getting up early!?

1 comment:

  1. 1. I need proof in order to believe this.
    2. Psh... I can do this too, Dave has competition.
    3. You know me... I like more music than you. Fact.
    4. Hey! Me too!
    5. Glad you had a good weekend! Me too!
    6. I can't wait for it to cool down, but it's been nice.
    7. You see Dave more than I do, so consider yourself lucky.
    8. I'll buy it from you when you're down. Mmk
    9. Saaay whaaat?! What in the world is Maggie Moos, and WHY haven't I been there!?!
    10. I semi-agree, but not really... but sort of.

    I love reading your blogs! Reminds me how much we have in common. Yea us!
