Tuesday, December 8, 2020

3 Year old Wren

Wren at 3 years old:

  • Is such a little mother.  She loves to treat any and all of her toys as babies and will use anything as a blanket (towels, toilet paper, tissues, socks, clothes).  It is a daily occurrence for her to line up all of her babies on the floor and then cover them with tissues (blankets) for their naps.  She means business and will get so upset if you move anything.  
  • Wren loves ice cream.  She is a a pretty picky eater, but is always up for some "nilla".
  • She is a little sugar fiend.  She LOVES candy, cookies, donuts, cupcakes (but only the frosting), and on and on. Getting her to eat anything that isn't sugar or fruit is a challenge.
  • She loves princesses (She IS one after all), and will never stay in the same outfit all day.  She loves to dress-up and comment on how beautiful she is. 
  • She is still a hater of bed time and sleep in general. She's started getting night terrors, which is just the most awful thing!  Dave seems to be the only one who can calm her down when she has a nightmare.  
  • She adores books and loves to read with dad at night.  She has started to memorize them and loves to "read" them to us.  Her favorite book is called "John James Audubon Painted Birds".  Hearing her recite that book word for word is just about the sweetest thing. 
  • Wren is funny.  She says the funniest things and has the best delivery.  She really does make us laugh every day.  
  • She is a pretty independent person, and is perfectly content playing by herself.

We love our Roo Bear!  She adds just the right amount of spunk, sass and sweetness to our family.