Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday 9/20/11

1. Last week was the busiest and most stressful school/work/life week of my life. This semester has been the most mentally and emotionally draining semester in my college career so far. But, I'm pretty sure next semester will take the cake. Two words, student teaching. Dun dun dun.

2. I tutor ELLs every other Friday in a third grade classroom, and I had the funniest experience last week. During the lunch break, I had gone out to lunch and then brought it back to eat in the classroom. I hadn't finished my food in time, so I just kept the bag in the back of the room. BIG mistake. The students come back in from recess and this kid starts to lose it. Immediately upon entering the room, he states "I smell McDonalds", "Someone has McDonalds!", "WHO HAS MCDONALDS!?!". His voice growing louder and more concerned with each statement. He smelled McDonalds and by darn he was gonna get some! (I hadn't even gone to McDonalds, btw). Ok, so having just typed that out now, it doesn't seem that funny. But it was. I guess you just had to be there.

3. I just don't get the feathers in the hair craze. I tried to understand it, but alas, it just seems silly to me. I really wish it would just end.

4. Is it weird that I'm already creating mental Christmas lists in my head for family gifts?

5. Do NOT under any circumstance get the non-fat sweet cream ice cream from Cold Stone. You will be disappointed.

6. There's a new wedding "trend" that's begun that I find really upsetting. More and more people are choosing to not have formal receptions. This is not what upsets me. Times are tough and receptions are expensive. However, sending out wedding announcements that inform the recipient that there will be no reception, but that the couple is registered at blah blah blah infuriates me. Am I the only one that finds this tacky?

"Hi. We're getting married. We're not going to have a night where you can come and celebrate with us, but PLEASE, feel free to buy us a gift and send it our way!" How thoughtful of them.

This isn't directed to anyone in particular and I'm really not trying to be offensive, but I just find that to be in extremely bad taste. And, don't even get me started on the trend of registries at a bank. Ugh. Who are these people!?

7. Speaking of weddings, if I give you a wedding/shower gift and you write me a thank you note, I will think more highly of you. If you don't, I'm going to think you're an ungrateful brat. It's just as simple as that. And, the explanation of "Oh, well we are just so busy, we don't have time for that." is a lame excuse. This has been an etiquette debate for ages... "Does it really matter?" Call me old fashioned, but yes, yes it does.

8. I'm not an English major. I know that there are grammatical/spelling errors all over my posts. But, there is one thing that irks me to no end: the misuse of homophones. I read A LOT of blogs, and find these mistakes all of the time. Some examples include:

• "passed" when they really mean "past"
• "sale" when they really mean "sell"
• "sense" for "since"
• "to" for "too"
• and if you can believe it, "ull" for "you'll"

How did these people graduate?

9. I'm well aware how snobbish and negative the above posts are. I'm really a nice person. If you know me, you know that.

10. To end on a positive note, there are 214 days left before I graduate! Yes, I'm already counting. :)


  1. Tehehe... You and I are exactly the same, I swear! I agree with everything you said. As I was reading it, I even heard myself saying these things. Okay, that makes no SENSE but hey... you know. Love you, you magnificent mass of pessimistic beauty!

  2. Amen on the grammar! I hate that. A few errors are fine, but constant errors are not. This is on the internet and everyone will see it! The grammatical thing that really gets me is when people spell plurals with an apostrophe. For example: Sky's (skies), pig's (pigs), and so on. Or when people conjugate their verbs with an apostrophe! For example: he judge's, she run's. Seriously? Really?

    Also, those wedding things you mentioned are tacky.
