Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Favorite Teachers and Such

So, this is super random, but interesting nonetheless.  Dave and I were talking yesterday, as we often do... :)  and we discovered something.  Most all (as in like 9 out of 10) of our favorite High School teachers and College professors have the first name Michael.  He brought it to my attention that this was true for him and as I was going through mine, we found that mine were named Michael as well.  It was funny...and weird.  We've found a glitch in the Matrix....  :)

On another completely random note, I was searching on deviantart for a new desktop background when I found this picture:

And it freaked me out a little.  I'm fairly certain that the artist of the drawing snuck into our bedroom and used us as his/her muse.  This is SO us!  It even looks like us.  You better believe it's my new background.

1 comment:

  1. That is a great picture! They do kind of look like you.
