Thursday, July 7, 2011

No AC = creative ingenuity

Our AC went out on Monday and our apartment has been 85 degrees since...even with the windows open.  Can you say GAG?  After two nights of little to no sleep (due to that fact that it felt we were sleeping in Hell), it was time to get serious.  So, last night, it's midnight and we're both sweaty and sick of this no AC stuff.  (How did the pioneers cope!?  I was definitely born in the right time).  I'm laying in bed, wishing I was on a beach with a pina colada, and I hear Dave messing around in the kitchen.  And then, I see him walk in our room with this...... 

Fan:  check
Dish drying basket:  check
Otter pops:  check
Bungee cords:  check
Towel:  check

Get all of these things and you've got yourself a white trash creative air conditioner.  And believe it or not, it actually worked pretty well...for about 30 minutes.  And then the Otter Pops melted. 

THAT my friends, is why I love my husband.  :) 


  1. How creative! That is awesome. There isn't even AC in our apartment, so I have had to deal with it since we got married. Here's the thing. DO NOT open your windows during the day, only when it is cool. DO NOT open your blinds, keep the hot hot sun out. DO go somewhere else so someone else can cool you down. When I walk around our complex, I am so amazed at how many people have fans (not ACs) in their windows pumping HOT AIR into their homes in the middle of the day. Great, you are heating up your house.

  2. That cracks me up! What a creative hubby!
