Tuesday, April 12, 2011

3 years

3 years ago today I married my best friend.  Here's some of my favorite memories from the day. 

The last three years have probably been the hardest but best three years of my life.  It's been a struggle as we're both trying to finish school while continuing to work and be a family.  We don't get to spend a lot of time together, and even then, it's "Ash, I need to practice for my speech tomorrow, will you listen and critique me?" or "Dave, if you were in 4th grade, what lesson activities would you like?" :)  Our life is busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  How wonderful will it be to look back at these hard years and say "Hey, we did that together, and we SURVIVED!"  Here's to us and our life together.  Love you babe.  Yogurtstop tonight?  Yes?  Yes.    


  1. Congrats Smashley! I love you guys to death. Can't believe how quick time goes by.

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary!
