Sunday, September 22, 2019

2 year old Wren

A little bit about our Roo Bear at 2 years old...

  • Her vocabulary is crazy. She shocks us daily with how many words she knows.  She's to the point now where we can sit and have a little conversation and it's so fun!  She loves to talk and sing and is rarely quiet. 
  • Sleep is still her arch nemesis.  She still usually wakes up at least once, but has gotten better about self soothing.  She IS stubborn, though, haha.  When she isn't happy, she lets you know!
  • Wren loves her "babies" and is a girly girl.  She requests daily to wear her princess dress ups and insists on walking around the house in her dress up shoes and "pretties" (bracelets, necklaces).  She will often say "I'm a princess!" "Pretty, pretty princess!" "Oh, that's lovely!"  "So beautiful!"  
  • She is obsessed with Monster's Inc. and Cinderella and has both memorized.  She quotes them incessantly and can sing every song.  
  • She loves music and will often sing to herself while playing.  She has the sweetest little voice.  We love to listen to her sing along to songs in the car.  Her current favorite is "Sing, Sweet Nightingale" from Cinderella.  
  • She is a picky eater and would live off of chocolate milk if we allowed it. 
  • She loves her grandmas and grandpas and many aunts and uncles.  Fun fact: she knows most everyone's names, but insists on calling aunt Beth "guys". :)
  • She loves fruit leathers and calls them "neeboys".  We have no idea how she came up with that word, but it most definitely means "fruit leather", so naturally we all use that word now.  
  • We often remark that Wren can be the sweetest little thing but then turn into a holy terror.  And as rude as that sounds, it's true!  Haha.  She melts our hearts everyday, but is not easily coerced, lol.  She is tough and definitely sticks up for herself.  Being a toddler has made her strong personality shine!  
  • She loves books and enjoys having dad read to her at night.  
  • She is pretty independent and can easily entertain herself with books, babies, cars, stickers, etc.  She also loves to play with Trey and copycat whatever he does.  

Wren is all around a riot to have in our family.  She keeps us on our toes, but shows us an incredible amount of love.  She makes us laugh every day.  We love you Wren!

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