Saturday, September 22, 2018

4 year old Trey

Trey has had to grow A LOT this past year as he transitioned into being a brother.  He is such a BIG BOY, and sometimes I can't even stand how fun he is!  Once turning four, I feel like he is really starting to grow out the of the "hard toddler years" and it's been fun to watch his personality grow.  Here's a little bit about our Treybies (we still call him that sometimes. I'm not sure how long he'll allow that, so I'm holding onto it as long as I can! haha).  

  • His personality has exploded and he loves his independence!  Because of this, some stubbornness has started to creep in (ha), but it's been so fun to watch him grow!  
  • He loves to get himself up, get himself dressed and make his own breakfast.  He is very much a morning person (obviously got that from Dave).  There has been a lot of times that we get up for the day, and he's already made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for everyone  He is always so proud of himself!
  • He LOVES to cook and experiment with different "recipes"...which includes grabbing anything and everything out of the fridge and cupboard and making "meals".  
  • He's recently started preschool, and he loves it!  It has been really good for him to be with other kids.  He loves to learn and is always so excited about going to school and daycare.  
  • Trey really likes being able to help people, and do tasks such as unloading and loading the dishwasher, sweeping, mopping, taking out the garbage, weeding...he loves it all!  He's the best little helper and always wants to be busy doing something!  
  • He loves to dance and will often request certain songs.  His current favorites are 24K Magic by Bruno Mars, Feel it Still by Portugal the Man, Wake Me Up Before you Go-GO by Wham, and Electric Avenue by Eddy Grant.  Listening to the radio is so fun with him.  He'll randomly ask "What is this?  I like it."  
  • He is still very inquisitive and loves figuring things out.  He loves playing with Legos, Hot Wheels, and jigsaw puzzles.  He recently learned how to play Mario Kart, and he loves being able to "earn" games throughout the day to play with Dad before bedtime.  
  • He loves any and all reasons to have a party.  All holidays are his favorite, and he looks forward to everything about them. 
  • We have the best conversations, and he makes us laugh every day.  
We love you Trey! 

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