Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Birth Story: Part Three

I was so relieved to be admitted to the hospital.  Yay!  My day spent in pain wasn't for nothing!  :)  I have to admit, I was pretty proud of myself for getting to seven centimeters without any interference, but that sure didn't stop me from getting an epidural.  I had considered going natural throughout my pregnancy but told myself that I wouldn't allow myself to feel bad if I couldn't do it.  By the time we had gotten to the hospital, I was so tired and exhausted, I requested to have an epidural before I even knew how far along I was.  
I'm really glad I let them know as soon as we got there.  Shortly after they checked me my water broke and OH MY GOODNESS; My pain went from "ouch, this really hurts" to "OMG, I can't breath, help me, HELP ME!!"  Haha.  Dramatic I know.  I couldn't believe how much worse it got once my water broke.  Dave was so amazing and stayed up by my head rubbing my back and helping me breath through the contractions each time.  Our nurse was also amazing.  I'm so sad that I can't remember her name, but she was seriosuly awesome.  She would always say "You can do anything for one minute." over and over again until the contraction had ceased. 
There were two women ahead of me to get an epidural so I had to wait about 20 minutes to get mine.  It doesn't seem like that long, but when you're in pain it seems like eternity.  Once the anesthesiologist got there they had me sit up on the side of the bed to get the epidural started.  I had a huge contraction while sitting up (OUCH), but once that epidural kicked in I felt amazing.  I love modern medicine!  They checked me about 10 minutes later and I was already at 10 centimeters!  Wow!  Once I heard that I felt a little silly about getting the epidural because I could have probably gone without it, but I don't regret getting it.  I was so tired and I think it made delivery a lot more pleasant. 
At this point, my doctor wasn't even at the hospital yet so they had me rest for about an hour before pushing.  It was all so surreal.  I couldn't believe how fast everything was happening.  I truly thought that we would have come to the hospital; maybe I would have been at like 3 or 4 centimeters, and then we would wait for 10 hours or more for me to progress and be ready.  I don't think Dave expected it to go that fast either.  We were both pretty shocked to say the least.

I started pushing at about 11:30 pm.  I remember it being very calm and quiet at the beginning.  We found out that our baby was posterior and that posed some problems.  Every time I would push, he kept getting stuck and his little heart rate would drop.  It would come back up, but with every push it would take longer and longer to return to normal.  Suddenly, our calm and quiet delivery turned into a rush to get our baby out.  They put me on oxygen and within seconds there were people rushing into our room.  It was stressful, but I honestly never worried that our baby would be anything but fine.  Our doctor was amazing and stayed calm which helped ease my worries.  We ended up having to use the vaccum to get him out, but he came out in no time.

Because his heart rate was dropping so much throughout delivery, they immediately took him to assess him right after he was born.  I was disappointed because I wanted to do skin to skin right after, but I obviously wanted what was best for him.  They cleaned him up and handed him off to Dave.  He was perfect.  He only cried for a few minutes right after and then he was silent.  Dave held him for about an hour while I was being stitched up.  I unfortuneatly tore pretty bad because of how fast we needed to get him out, but I didn't mind.  I'm so glad I got the epidural for that very reason.  I can't even imagine how bad it would have been without one.

Once I got all cleaned up I finally got to hold him.  He was so beautiful and perfect.  He just kept making these quiet little cries.  It took us a few hours but we finally decided on a name.

Trey David Bland
born on 4/20/14
at 12:51 am
6 lbs 6 oz
18.5 inches long

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