Monday, March 15, 2010

Project 22

Today was my 22nd birthday. Yay for me! I have decided to start a new project. Project 22 is a photo documentation of my life. Starting now, and ending on March 15, 2011, I will take a picture every day to document what is going on in my life. Very exciting, I know. ;) If you feel so inclined, here is my project 22 blog for your viewing pleasure. This blog is meant to be a personal reflection on my life for me to refer back to, but feel free to view it as you wish. My hope is that I will be able to post everyday. Let the picture taking begin! :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Birthday Cake

My family celebrated my birthday tonight. Here is the cake and cupcakes that I made for the celebration. Yes, I made my own birthday cake. My family was making fun of me saying that I shouldn't have to make my own birthday cake. Well, I did, and I enjoyed it. I covered my cake in Marzipan. Marzipan tastes SO MUCH BETTER than fondant. But, it is MUCH more expensive. Definitely will be a once in a while thing. Here are some pictures of them. YUM!

Happy 22nd to me! :)

Stay tuned...I'll be starting a project tomorrow that I am pretty excited about. I'll post about it tomorrow. Get's gonna be big! ;)

Baptism Cake

Megan and I made this cake for our cousin Carter a few weeks ago. Megan made the cute gum paste figurine of Carter. Congratulations buddy! Here are a few pictures of the cake.