Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wren at 8 Months

Wren is getting so big and it's breaking this mama's heart.  At 8 months....

  • She has never been a great sleeper, but at the moment she loathes it!  She has been battling cold after cold for the past few weeks and her sleep has pretty much become nonexistent.  Poor thing.  Back are the days of getting up several times a night.  She typically goes down at 8:00 and wakes up at 12:00, 4:00 and then 7:00....Hoping those 12 hour stretches come back soon!  She's also a pretty terrible napper.  20 minutes and she seems to think she's done!  It's a good thing she's so cute because she is NOT a happy camper when waking up.  We've tried to buckle down on routines and create good sleeping habits, but she's just not having it.  It doesn't help that she is the worlds lightest sleeper!
  • She has two bottom teeth, and they are pretty much the cutest things ever.  I think now that she has teeth, she's convinced that she is ready for big people food, because she has pretty much refused to eat any and all baby food for the past few weeks.  She'll have maybe 2-3 spoonfuls and then refuse to open her mouth for anymore.  She does however love to gnaw on oranges, crackers, etc.  She always stares at Trey while he's eating as if to say "HEY! I want that!"
  • She has started to crawl and it's been so fun.  She kind of sways back and forth on her tummy to get to where she wants to be.
  • She can sit up and likes to just sit and put her toys in and out of buckets.
  • She LOVES our phones and is constantly trying to grab them and eat them!
  • She learned how to splash and it's all she ever wants to do during her bath.  She will get water all over her face and not even flinch.  She loves when Trey starts splashing with her and thinks it's the funniest thing in the world.  
  • She can hold her bottle, but most of the time wants to be held to eat.  As always, she would be content being held every waking minute of her life.  She loves to snuggle.
  • She is pretty happy in the mornings and gives the cutest little smiles.  But honestly after that, you'd be pretty hard pressed to get a smile out of her.  Haha.  We often refer to her as having RBBF (Resting Baby Bitch Face) sounds horrible, I know, but it's so true!  We love you Wren-a-Roo but you're kind of a cranky pants.  Family will often do anything in their power to make her smile and she'll just stare at them with this "Are you kidding?" face and look at us like we're crazy.  
  • She has the cutest little voice and babbles on and on.  She says "dada" quite a bit, but I'm not sure if it means anything to her.  My favorite is when she talks to us in the morning.  Oftentimes after picking her up out of her crib first thing in the morning she'll babble really REALLY quietly so you can barely hear her.  It's so sweet and just melts my heart each time.  
  • I feel likes shes's grown so much, but strangers will often comment on how small she is for her age.  I'm intrigued to see how much she has grown when we take her in for her 9 month check up.  Either way, she's perfect!
  • She has the thinnest hair ever (maybe even thinner than mine!) and it shoots straight up on top of her head.  She has one strand that is about 2-3 inches longer than the rest and I just love it.  Her hair is always just a little poof ball and refuses to stay down.
She is so cute and it's been fun to see her little personality come through.  We love you Wren-a-Roo! (her most common nickname). 

3 year old Trey

"Oh Treybies"....."Oh mom!"  This is a common saying in our household and I know I'll forget it if  I don't write it down; so there you go.

Trey has grown so much since we brought Wren home and it is so sad, but so fun at the same time!  Once Trey turned three I felt like the saying "Terrible Twos" was complete nonsense, because three has been so much harder on us!  Trey is either an angel...or not so much.   Haha.  In all seriousness though, Trey is such a delight in our lives and has dealt with the chaos of adding a baby to the family really well.     Here are a few things about Trey at 3 years old:

  • I cannot believe how much his language has exploded the last year.  He knows so much and surprises us all the time with words that he knows and uses correctly.  It's silly, but it really has been so fun to hear him use a word in the correct context and go "What??  Where did you even learn that?!"  For example, the other day he said "Mom, I think it is in a different location"  LOCATION???  Really?? I'm obviously biased, but I think he's pretty smart and it's fun to have "big boy" conversations with him.  
  • He is REALLY shy and prefers to be with adults rather than children.  This is probably due to the fact that he has been the only little kid on both sides of our family.  He goes to daycare once a week and it has been really good for him.  It's so fun to hear him talk about his little friends.  
  • He absolutely adores Wren and it's pretty much the sweetest thing ever.  He loves when she wakes up in the morning, so he can go into her room and say "GOOD MORNING!!!  Hi honey!!!"  He always says it in such a sweet little voice and it melts my heart each time.  He likes to be really involved in helping with her.  He likes to throw away her diapers, and pick out her outfits.  You'll often hear him say "Oh baby Wren....she's just so cute!"  
  • He really loves anything car related and has more Hot Wheels cars than I can count.  He still loves reading and loves to read with Dad each night before he goes to bed.  One of his favorite books right now is "The B Book".  We've read it so many times that he has it memorized.  He loves to "read" it to Dave and is so proud of himself.  
  • He LOVES going to visit family and far prefers his grandma's over anyone else. Grandma Eddy and Grandma Jo both take turns watching the kids each week and he gets so excited when he finds out that he's going to grandmas!  He also loves spending time at Grandma Calls house and often asks when he can go visit Grandma Call.
  • He loves to learn and talk about new things.  He has been obsessed with places lately and wants to know where everyone lives.  He picks up on things so fast and it's been so fun to watch his little brain put things together.
  • He loves to help anyone with anything.  He prides himself in being able to help adults with tasks like loading and unloading the dishwasher, folding laundry, fixing anything and everything with tools, cleaning, and so on.  He is the best little helper ever!  Trey just loves having something to do.  
  • He is OBSESSED with Orange Chicken from Panda Express.  It's by far his favorite meal and he requests it often.  I love that way he says "Panda Express".  Whenever he asks for it he gets real quiet and then his tone gets louder and higher as he asks for it, as if it's the most exciting thing in the world. 

We love him and can't believe how much he has grown in what seems like such a short time.  He can be very trying (gotta love these toddler years), but he is hilarious and makes us laugh each day.  We love you Treybies!  (I don't think I'll ever stop calling him that....)