It's pretty much impossible to get a good picture of Trey that's not blurry lately. He's on the move! Sitting on the chair in the nursery for our monthly photo is going to be a thing of the past, I'm afraid. A'int nobody got time for that!
As usual, Trey is a delight. He's had a rough few weeks, but he's a trooper. He's pretty much been sick on and off for the past month. Then, last week, he tested positive for RSV. It's been heartbreaking to watch him be sick, but he's such a trooper! He tries so hard to be happy even though he feels like crap. :)
At nine months:
- You learned to kneel and then pull yourself up. It's your new favorite trick and you are so very proud of yourself! It's all you want to do all day long! This has created problems for night time and nap time. You'll pull yourself up in the crib and then cry and cry because you don't know how to get back down. The swing has been a lifesaver, and that's where you sleep most of the time.
- Since you've been so sick, night time has kind of been a nightmare. You've been waking up every four hours at night, but now that you are getting over this nasty sickness (yay!), you'll sleep 10-12 hours straight! So nice!
- Takes two naps a day ranging from 45 minutes to and hour and a half. The older you get, the better napper you are!
- Your army crawl is slowly morphing into a full on crawl. You love to crawl and chase your dad. Your favorite part of the day is when dad gets home from work.
- You've become a little spitfire and have started throwing tantrums. If you don't get what you want, you throw your head back and scream. We're really looking forward to the toddler stage... ;)
- You still adore bath time and love to play with your bath toys. You're not very happy when it's time to get out and get ready for bed.
- You giggle and babble all day long and we love it. You say "da-da" "ba-ba" and "ma-ma"
- You love food! Your favorite thing to eat is cereal puffs. We're slowly transitioning from pureed foods to finger foods.
Here are his stats from his last appointment:
Weight: 19 pounds (28th percentile)
Height: 27.5 in (24th percentile) apparently he hasn't grown at all in height for the past three months?? I'm guessing the last measurement was incorrect.
Head circumference: 18 in (57th percentile)
So, he's back to being our little boy. :) As always, we adore him. He brings so much happiness to our lives and everyone around him.