Sunday, June 29, 2014

2 months

At about 6 weeks old, Trey transformed from the orneriest baby there ever was to the sweetest little turd you ever did see.  :)  He still has his cranky days, but Trey's second month was 100 times better than the first one.  Here's a run down on Trey at 2 months old:

  • Sleeps SO much better.  When I wrote Trey's one month post, he rarely ever went down before midnight and was getting up every 1 to 2 hours to eat (kill me).  Now, he goes to bed pretty consistently by 10:30 pm and usually goes 3-4 hours in between feedings.  Some days he's up and ready for the day by 6:00 am and others he sleeps until 9:30!  (Can you guess which wake up time I prefer?)  :)  He still has a few nights here and there where he is up every 2 hours, but they're so much easier to handle now that I know they're not the norm.  Yay for more sleep!
  • He's the happiest in the morning (not sure where he got that from!)...his favorite thing to do in the morning is lay on the ground and talk to Dave and I.  He's started to coo and smile at us voluntarily which is SO rewarding.  His little baby noises are adorable and his favorite "word" is "ah-goo".  :)
  • He's in love with his mobile and loves to laugh and coo at the animals on it.  It's become our go-to "make Trey happy" device.  
  • He's definitely a Bland in the sense that he likes his alone time.  :)  He becomes really overstimulated and fussy when there are too many people and often prefers to be laying on the ground rather than being held.  
  • He is NOT a fan of tummy time.  He disliked it so much that he rolled over from tummy to back at about 7 weeks.  We were shocked.  He's rolled over twice, but for some reason refuses to do it again.  He still hates tummy time, but he'll just cry and cry until you give in and turn him back on his back.  
  • He is SPOILED.  He's mastered his fake cry and he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world.  He'll fake cry and after about 5 minutes I'll give in and see what he needs only to have him smile the biggest grin ever as I approach him.  He just might have Dave and I catering to his every whim...maybe.
  • He is a VERY determined little boy.  He's been this way since birth.  He knows what he wants and when he wants it; and until you get it right, you're going to be screamed at.  :)
  • He LOVES to arch is back and stretch his neck while being held.  It's really weird and I've never seen another baby do that, but he likes it so whatever. I guess the ceiling is really interesting.  :)
  • He's a thumb sucker.  Or at least he tries to be.  Most of the time he's trying his hardest to get his entire fist in his mouth, but sometimes he manages to only get the thumb; which makes him happy for the .2 seconds that it's actually in there.
  • He used to take MAM binkies and now he's more into Soothies.  He really isn't much of a binkie  baby unless it's nighttime.  At nighttime he almost demands to have one. 
  • He weighs 11 lbs 3 oz (29th percentile)
  • His height is 22 inches (11th percentile)
  • His head circumference is 40 cm (42nd percentile)
  • SO, he's just a little guy, but he's growing!
  • His cuteness percentile is 100, in case you were wondering...  :)
Happy 2 months Treyby Baby!  

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hospital Pictures and Newborn Moments to Remember

These were taken at the hospital right after Trey was born and when he was just a day old.

Wasn't Trey the most beautiful newborn you've ever seen?  I mean, seriously.  He is beautiful.  I finally got around to getting pictures from the hospital from family.  I'm so glad my sister took these pictures.  The ones we got on our camera were so blurry and let's face it, I was kind of a train wreck physically those first few days, so I wasn't concerned with getting pictures of Trey with everyone.  Thanks Car!

Also, I wanted to jot down some memories from Trey's first few weeks before I forget.  These are really simple and silly, but they're special to me.  

  • The second night we stayed in the hospital, Trey kept coughing up amniotic fluid.  He did this once while the nurse was taking his vitals so she held him up and turned him to the side so he could expel it easier.  As she did this, he turned his head to face her and gave her the biggest dirty look ever.  We all looked at each other and just busted out laughing.  CLEARLY, he did not like what she was doing to him.  I'll never forget that face.  So funny. 

  • Trey was pretty small, so his newborn clothes were huge on him for the first few weeks. (Especially his pants).  We were constantly commenting on the fact that his pants went up to his chest and that he looked like a little old man.  We were having a rather difficult evening with him, (Oh the joys of colic).... nothing we were doing seemed to soothe him and I was starting to lose it.  Dave started rocking him and said "What is it?  Do you need bigger pants?  Is that the problem?"  :)  We just laughed and laughed.  It was seriously the best thing ever.  MUCH needed comic relief.  And that's why I love Dave so much.  He was able to take an awful situation and turn it into a cherished memory.

  • Again, we were having a rough night with Trey (it's almost like EVERY night was hard),  ;) and we couldn't get him to stop crying.  For some unknown reason, Dave started singing Young by Hollywood Undead, and Trey LOVED it.  Seriously.  He would calm right down while Dave was singing and then get all upset when he stopped.  Dave had a lot of fun singing that song over and over again that night.  ;)  Whatever works, right? 

  • We would also often sing our own rendition of Justin Bieber's "baby" song, changing the chorus to "Treyby, Treyby, Treyby, OHHH..."  Can you tell we were sleep deprived!?  Anything for a laugh. :)

  • We call Trey "baby" more than anything else, but his nicknames include: Treyby baby, Trey Bae, Treybsters, Little bug, Little Foot, Snuggle Muffin, Pumpkin, Snorts, and Snorts McGee  :)