- Sleeps like a champ! Seriously. For as bad as he was his first month, he sure has made up for it. He sleeps 10-12 hour stretches. It's seriously the best thing ever. EVER! He's been going down from 8:30-9:30 and often doesn't wake up to eat until 9:00 the next morning. What a good baby!
- Naps are pretty much a no go lately, but we don't really mind since he sleeps so well at night. He will go down for a nap a few times each day, but usually only lasts 30-45 minutes.
- He still LOVES his mobile. He loves to talk and coo at it right after his morning feeding.
- He talks a lot. He used to only say "ah-goo", but now his favorite thing to do is squeal. It's the cutest thing ever and he can be so loud sometimes. He likes to talk the most in the mornings and when Dave comes home from work.
- Daddy is definitely the favorite! Trey gives everyone big smiles all of the time, but Daddy gets them the most, and doesn't even have to work for them.
- His new favorite activity is looking in the mirror. He loves it and get's so excited when he sees himself. I don't think he realizes it's him, but he sure likes that "baby in the mirror"!
- He still loves his bath. Bath time is pretty much our favorite time of the day around here. We call it "Tubby, Baba, Sleepy nigh-night". Yes it's true, we no longer speak like adults; but I'm sorry, you just CAN'T speak to a baby in grown-up talk. :)
- He is a MAJOR thumb sucker. I'm pretty sure that's why he's been sleeping such long stretches at night. He DOES wake up, but as soon as he finds his thumb, he's back asleep within seconds. I know I'm going to regret letting him do that later, but it soothes him. Plus, how are you supposed to keep a baby from sucking his thumb!?
- Along with thumb sucking, he's taking a liking to blankets and burp clothes as well. He'd shove a whole blanket in his mouth if he could.
- He can now roll from his back to his tummy but usually just likes to chill laying in his side.
- He has his cranky days, but really only cries when he's hungry or tired.
- He is ADORED by everyone and I can't blame them. I mean, LOOK at him!
Blessing day. My favorite picture of him to date.
Playing with the baby in the mirror. Every photo we take ends up so blurry because he moves so much.
Dancing and laughing at the mobile.
Why just suck your thumb when you can suck your thumb AND the blanket at the same time!?
Loves standing and being outside. Doesn't he look like a little boy in this outfit!? AH! He's getting too big!
3 months old!
Tubby time at grandmas.