Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sister Carlie Eddy

We took Carlie to the MTC on July 25th.  I have missed her so much, but have had a lot of fun receiving letters from her.  I've created a blog for her so that anyone who wants to can be updated on how things are going for her.  If you'd like to follow that blog, here's the link:  sistereddy.blogspot.com

We're really excited for her and all that she'll learn during her time at the MTC and Japan.  We all miss her but know that she will be such a fantastic missionary!  

A Dog, and More

I've been MIA for the past week or so due to some MAJOR changes in our day to day lives.  So, Carlie left on her mission on July 25th (a separate post on THAT next).  That same weekend, Dave and I moved out of our apartment and into his parents' basement.  During this move, we realized that we have moved 5 times in four years of marriage!  Ugh... I'm so over it at this point.  But, this was a needed move for us, and I think it's going to work well.  (And, knock on wood, the next time we move, it will be into a house)!  

Those first few days after the move were Dave's FINAL days of college (Yeah, we decided to move during the WORST possible time ever, I know).  While Dave was working on last minute projects and studying for his finals, I somehow managed to get the house put together and get our apartment deep cleaned.  By "somehow" I mean Dave's parents and siblings took A LOT of time helping us move and are amazingly awesome.  Oh, and my parents are pretty much the greatest because they let us store A LOT of our stuff (crap) in their basement since space is a little limited.  It looks like an episode of Hoarders over there at the moment.  (Don't worry Mom, some time soon I'll be going through it to organize it some more).  :)  Thanks to everyone who helped us with the move!  We are so grateful!

So, last week was Dave's LAST week of class.  He's graduated!  I'm so proud of him and all his hard work!  We've both been going to school since we've been married, so having us BOTH graduated is a HUGE step for us!  We're so excited for the future!  Dave's parents asked him what he wanted for graduation and you guessed it, he wanted a dog.  :)

Meet the newest member of the Bland Fam:  Scout Fluffypants.  :)

 He's a Mini Australian Shepherd and he's so fluffy and soft.  

Get ready for a picture overload!  :)  

 Enjoying the AC.  Haha
 We got him a few toys to chew on and all he wanted to play with was this empty plastic water bottle.  Figures.  Oh, and, that amazing quilt he's laying on??  Megan made it.  In ONE day.  Amazing I tell you.  

 Haha. Those eyes.  He was chasing a fly.  Herp Derp.  :)
 He basically lives in a giant diaper.  :)  Potty training has been....interesting...
 He fell asleep like this in my arms the other day.  Such a weirdo.  

He's really sweet and it's been a blast having him.  We got him one week ago today, and it's been quite the week.  He is SUPER smart and can already jump the gates we have to keep him somewhat contained.  (Don't really like that too much).  He LOVES wet grass, and refuses to play anywhere that isn't shaded.  :)

This should definitely be a fun adventure.  New living space, new dog, new jobs...Are we crazy??  Sometimes I wonder.  It should be fun nonetheless though!