About three weeks ago, Dave couldn't find his wedding ring. He usually puts it in one of three places. 1) on top of the entertainment center. 2) on our dresser. 3) on his desk. This typically happens once a week, but after searching for about a minute, the ring is usually found in one of said three places. So naturally, we searched those spots...with no luck. Calmly looking for the ring soon turned into tearing the house apart looking for the ring. I'm talking crawling on hands and knees looking through the carpet seems, looking under all our furniture, pulling out and emptying all drawers, going through pants pokets, shirt pokets, shoes, socks, whatever!! You name it, we had looked through it, in it, around it. NO RING. It seriously was gone.
Now, we start thinking..."when was the last time you wore it?" "was it before or after our camping trip?" "OMG, it could be out in the forest somewhere!" "No, no, it was after our camping trip" blah blah blah, you get the idea. Dave finally came to the conclusion that it HAD to either be in the house, OR it fell off his hand somewhere.
After searching for days, we gave up. Then, on weekends, I would again painstakingly search the ENTIRE house. Going over and over and over the same places. I was losing my mind...and sometimes was brought to tears thinking "OMG!!!! Where in the hell could it possibly be?" (and yes, I said hell...it was a high stress situation...get off my back). I then came to the conclusion that I must have thrown it away on accident. It must have been sitting on top of junk mail, and in my desperation of trying to keep our house clutter free, I threw it away without noticing. Yes, that surely is what happened. I was convinced it was sitting in a landfill somewhere. I think Dave had given up completely at this point. (Although, he told me there was no way that I had thrown it away).
Weeks had gone by, and "the ring" was now becoming somewhat of a joke. We both stopped looking, but we each had moments of "AH! If I could just see where it was, then I could move on!" The unknown was killing us. Then, this Saturday, I was in one of my "I'm going to find this ring if it's the last thing I do" kind of moods. So I began, where I always did: in the bedroom. Under the bed? No Under the dresser? No In the dresser? No..."maybe I'm just not seeing clearly, lets look again" Repeat process...no. The living room: NO, kitchen: NO, bathroom: NO. I even went as far as emptying the vaccum and sifting through the gunk...after that disgusting adventure, a very unfortunate NO. I think you're getting the picture. The ring was nowhere to be found.
I then moved on to the game room/office. I tell myself "There is no way it is in here. I have looked and looked and looked." Then, as I sifted through some of the papers on Dave's desk, I heard one of the most beautiful sounds I'll ever hear: the clanking of metal against wood. My heart skipped a beat, I kid you not. I slowly move the papers away and THERE IT IS!!! Sitting on top of Dave's desk! Dave and I still can't believe I found it.
How we missed it the first twelve bajillion times we looked there is a mystery to me. And, how funny is it that it was in one of the three places!? So, the mystery is over. And now Dave has a lovely little box that he HAS to put his ring in every night. I'll let you know when he loses it again. I'm sure he won't last a week. ;) Love you babe.