Monday, May 14, 2012

Learning to Accept and (GASP) Welcome Change!

Life since college has been, oh how can I put it?  AMAZING.  The beginning of summer vacation is always great, but it's just a little sweeter knowing that I will not be heading back to school in September, and Weber will NOT be seeing any more of my money in the near future!  MWHAHAHAHAAAA  :)  

Dave, on the other hand, headed back to school today, and I'm feeling awful for him.  BUT, he graduates in August, so we're both feeling pretty OK.  With both of us being graduated soon, there are going to be some changes in the near future, some big, some small, but in any case, I'm still weary about them.  By now, if you don't know that I fear change, then you sir either don't retain information well, or you haven't been paying attention AT ALL for the past few months.  :)

I pondered a lot recently about my goal of accepting change.  I've come to the conclusion (something my amazing husband learned long ago) that there is simply no point whatsoever stressing over things that you have no control over.  Furthermore, the changes in my life have more often than not, been a positive experience in the end.  So, that's the new position I'm trying to take.  Change?  Bring it on!  :)

In other (somewhat related) news, my sister Carlie received her mission call.  She reports to the MTC on July 25th and then on October 8th she's off to Fukuoka, Japan!  I'm so excited for her, but don't know what I'm going to do without her!  My sisters are my best friends so it's going to be a rough transition.  (Thank goodness Megan is staying home and going to Weber for college.  I think I'd die if she was moving away!)  ;)

Here are some really blurry but priceless pictures of her opening her call.  
 Scanning the letter and seeing JAPAN for the first time!  We were ALL shocked!
 Trying to pronounce "Fukuoka".  :)
 Her celebratory dance.
 Her "Holy crap I can't believe I'm going to Japan" face.  Love it!
I just love this picture.  Doesn't her facial expression just exude joy?!  

I hope you don't mind that I shared your happy news Car!  I'm so happy for you and can't wait to write to you EVERY DAY!  :)


  1. Congratulations Carlie! And good luck with the welcoming change!
