Monday, January 4, 2010

Carlo's Bake Shop

One of the days that we were in New York was Megan's 16th birthday. The only thing she wanted to do was to go see Carlo's Bake Shop in New Jersery. So, we hopped on the subway and headed to Hoboken, NJ to see it. This is where "Cake Boss" is filmed so she was pretty excited.Carlie in front of the shop
All the beautiful cakes. Someday I will own my own bakery and Megan and I will make the most beautiful wedding cakes around.

Drool ;)
Fruit made out of marzipan

Megan trying to decide what kind of goodies she wants for her birthday.

We each got a canoli and my goodness! Yum! Thanks for the suggestion Tina!!

Me devouring my canoli.

Me, Carlie and Megan. This place was full of goodies and we did not leave empty handed. $70.00 (yeah, in know) worth of pastries later, and you have four VERY happy women! YUM!

This is the beautiful tiramisu that my mom got.

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