I can't believe Wren is already 7 months old! She has been such a delight, and as always, we adore her. Here's a few things to note about 7 month old Wren:
- She LOVES food. But not all food. haha. She far prefers vegetables over fruit. The sweetness and tartness of fruit is not something she likes. She'll usually take a few bites, scrunch up her face in disgust, and then refuse to eat anymore. However, she'll eat spoonful after spoonful of green beans. She'll gobble up any vegetable, but green beans are by far her favorite.
- She tries to feed herself her bottle, but really just likes to play around with it. She loves to place her fingers in between her bottle and her mouth. It's the weirdest thing and kind of annoying, because she is constantly breaking the suction seal she has on her bottle, but insists that she have her bottle AND her fingers in her mouth at the same time.
- She does not take a binky and she doesn't suck her thumb. Luckily, she is a very calm and happy baby. When she is really upset she likes to be swaddled and have blankets next to her face.
- She's back to getting up in the middle of the night to eat, but for the most part goes to bed and 8:00 and gets up at 7:30. She got her first tooth a few days ago so nighttime has kind of been a nightmare, but she's doing pretty well.
- She has definitely found her voice and she sure likes to use it. She loves to babble quietly to her toys, but then she'll just shout and squeal over and over again until you pay attention to her. She has made the "mama" sound a few times when she is upset, but no "real" first words yet.
- She absolutely loves Trey and wants to be around him and watching him. He pretty much adores her as well and loves to help take care of her.
- She rolls and rolls all over the place. No crawling yet, but you can see that she wants to SO BAD!! She gets very upset when she can't get to a toy by rolling alone.
- She is very content most of the time, but she can sure be stubborn. If she is playing with a toy and drops it, she'll scream out as if the world was ending. Haha. And if you put her down before she's done being snuggled, she'll be sure to let you know.
- She is very smiley and happy in the mornings, but doesn't give out smiles very easily after that (unless you're Trey).
- She is growing SO MUCH and I can tell she's losing that "babyness". It's so sad but so fun at the same time. She is so chunky, but strangers will comment all of the time how little she is.
- She is such a fun and sweet little baby. Always up for a snuggle and just loves to be loved. I think I've said that every month, but it's so true.