Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just Curious.....

Alright, so I'm just wondering if anybody reads this INCREDIBLY FASCINATING blog. I never receive ANY comments to my posts....SOOOOO either my life is boring and nobody cares, or everyone is just like me, and never leaves a comment. :) Just for the sake of curiosity, please leave a comment so that I know who my loyal readers are. ;)

Oh, and if you're a blog stalker like I am, don't be shy! Chances are, I read yours too! :)

Monday, October 26, 2009


Just wanted to say that I received my letter from Weber on Saturday. I was accepted into the Teaching Program!! YAY! I can officially start the program this Spring. I'm so excited!!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We went to "Thriller" this past Saturday. I have now seen this Halloween dance show THREE times. I LOVE it. My family was nice enough to come with me. I did enjoy it; However, I have to say that this years performance was the worst out of the three...I was somewhat disappointed. It was very apparent to me that there had been some budget cuts. Nonetheless, it was a fun night out with the fam. Oh and by the way, doesn't Dave look "Thrilled" to be there? Again, Dave thinks that it is funny to not smile in ANY photo that I try to get of us. His goal of ruining EVERY picture taken this year is going well. (He WAS smiling right before I took the picture.)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Color Me Mine

This past weekend was so fun! I had some much needed "me" time. Carlie and I were able to go to this sweet pottery studio in Ogden to watch Marny Proudfit (Ben's girlfriend-btw, if you haven't heard of her, you should search her on facebook). I love her is so free and fun. She is very talented. I was so glad that we went. It was the perfect Friday night. If you have never been to Color Me Mine, you really should go. It is this way cool pottery studio. They have A TON of stuff to choose from to paint, and A TON of colors. Carlie painted a dragon piggy PIGGY bank. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but you know what I mean. I painted this really cool mug with dots on it. Here are some pictures from the night.

Carlie and Marny

Me and Marny

Carlie and I

Carlie holding up her cute dragon

This is only HALF of what you can choose from.

I really don't like this picture of me, but it is the only one of me painting my mug. I have a weird smile....

Carlie's Dragon bank

Marny singing

Carlie being the cool person that she is

I can't wait to go fact, I'll be back this Friday to pick up my mug (they have a kiln and they fire everything for you)....Awesome!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fall is here!

There has been frost on my windshield the past two mornings. I hate frost on my windshield. I hate waiting for my car to warm up. I hate being cold. But, I LOVE Fall. I have been sad the past week or so realizing that summer is over. I am excited for the new season however. I hate the weather that comes with it, but it is such a fun time. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I LOVE it. I love decorating for Halloween. That is what I did this past weekend. YAY for decorating!

I made this "spooky" sign this past weekend. I love crafts...they make everything better. I know I'm a nerd for posting this picture, but I just love it. I was proud of my craft abilities. :)
More Halloween decorations. The top shelf is supposed to be my "cute" Halloween decorations, and the bottom shelf is my "scary" Halloween decorations. (Just for you Car-I know how much you hate "cute" Halloween decorations). Thanks to the wonderful BF Crafts for the scary decorations idea. I loved making these! My favorite is the "zombie juice".
Btw, these are just a select FEW of my Halloween decorations. I have MUCH more. Yeah....I'm a nerd.
Also, I get to go see Thriller on Saturday. I am SO excited! Woot! I bought the tickets over a month ago. My whole family is going....even DAVE (he's so sweet to go with me)...AHHHH can't wait!